Saturday, 26 October 2013

Change B.A-B.A 6th Sem HISTORY OF U.S.A. (1776 � 1945 A.D.)(Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur, Andhra Pradesh-2012)

(Examination at the end of Final Year)
Part II – History
Paper IV — HISTORY OF U.S.A. (1776 – 1945 A.D.)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (2 × 20 = 40 marks)
Answer any TWO questions.
1. How did the Europeans Established their colonies like British, Spanish, French in America?

2. Explain the causes of world depression and how America faced it?

3. Give an account of Civil War 1861-65.

4. Examine the Theodore Roosevelt external and internal policies.

PART B — (3 × 15 = 45 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
5. How did America Achieved Industrial growth?
6. What are the Natural resources helped America to be came a super power?
7. How did America Established Nationalise and Secularism? 
9. How did America opened open door policy in China?

10. What is Cold War? How did U.S.A. and U.S.S.R Responded?

PART C — (3 × 5 = 15 marks) 
Answer any THREE questions.

11. (a) Racial Discrimination.

(b) Kellog-Briond Pact.

(c) Thomas Jefferson.

(d) U.S.A. War with Mexico.

(e) U.S.A. role in U.N.O.

f) Pearl Har Bour Incident.

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