Saturday, 26 October 2013

LL.M Corporate and Securities Law 1st Year Paper VI : ADMINISTRATION OF COMPANY LAW (Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur, Andhra Pradesh-2012)

LL.M Corporate and Securities Law 1st Year Paper VI : ADMINISTRATION OF COMPANY LAW (Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur, Andhra Pradesh-2012)

First Year
Corporate and Securities Law
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. What do you mean by winding up of company and explain how does the winding up
order affect the pending suits or other legal proceedings against the company.
2. When can a contributory of a company file a petition for winding up by the court? Who may be held liable as a contributory and what is the nature and extent of a contributories liability?
3. Critically appraise the circumstances in which a company may be wound up voluntarily and explain the immediate consequences of voluntary winding up.
4. Discuss the provisions on various regulatory authorities provided in the Companies Act.
5. Write a critical note on significant features of sick industrial companies (special provisions) Act and comment on whether sick industries are to be nationalised or wound up.
6. Explain the contribution, powers and functions of company law board.
7. What are the provisions in the companies Act relating to offences and explain the circumstances and manner in which an investigation can be carried out into the affairs of the company?
8. Explain fast track Section 560 scheme and company law settlement scheme 2000.
9. Explain the duties of a liquidator of a company under the Companies Act.
10. Write short notes on any TWO of the following :
(a) Declaration of Solvency
(b) Dissolution of Defunct Company
(c) Preparation and inspection of foreign company.
(d) National company tribunal.

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